Online Custom


Online custom computer training.


If you have a question, we have an answer.

Discover the tips, tricks and techniques that you need to do your job.

  • Intuit's QuickBooks ®
  • Microsoft Office ®
    • Word®, Excel®, Powerpoint®, Access® and Outlook®
    • Multi-program training is our speciality
    • (eg using Word, Excel and Powerpoint together)

Are you tired of wasting time in class? Either the teacher goes too slowly or too fast. And they are always teaching you about the XYZ Acme Company. That's fine if you work at the XYZ Acme Company - but we bet you don't.
And every class is two days long - and that is just too long. The reason classes are two days long is so they can justify their prices. And they know they have different skill levels involved so everything takes longer. It takes them 14 hours to teach 4 hours of material.
And do they ever occur at a convenient time (like there is such a thing)? Is there ever a convenient time to take two days off from work? Especially to learn about the XYZ Acme Company?

No wonder you hate training - we did too!
But we knew there had to be a better way - so we developed it.


June McGroary

Your company,
your data,
your way ...
makes sense to us.

Specializing in:
Intuit QuickBooks
& Microsoft Office's

"I was a Powerpoint-a-phobe before I was trained by June. She took me from avoiding the use of a great tool to being an expert in less than two hours. I needed to create a presentation of a unique process I have in order to show clients how I can help them. The presentation we created, while being trained, turned out great, has been well received and now I can enhance the presentation with my new found skill -- all thanks to June McGroary. Her skill as a teacher/trainer is unmatched."
Paul Haas